2022 Resolutions: Let’s reconnect to Nature



Welcome to a brand new year – 2022. Last year taught us arguably many things ; one element that we can surely glean from the experiences of a global pandemic : how we are connected – or perhaps NOT positively connected – to the natural world.

So, as we consider the shaping of our New Year’s resolution – let’s consider Nature in the planning of those to include the Natural World – part of what makes us and who we are.

Over the next 22 days, I will propose some ideas about what that might mean – and what it might look like… and illustrate with research about why Nature is so very important.

Idea # 1 – Go outside and feel the sun on your face for 1 minute.

Nature and outdoors advocate Richard Louv – co-founder of the Children & Nature Network , is all about the values of getting kids to reconnect with the – natural – world around them .


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