
13 Biggest Environmental Problems of 2022

  Here are some of the biggest environmental problems of our lifetime, from deforestation and biodiversity loss to food waste and fast fashion –  Earth website lists the topics in order of the level of the problem  * Global warming from fossil fuels * food governance * food waste * biodiversity loss * plastic pollution * deforestation * air pollution * ice melting / sea level rise *ocean acidification * agriculture * food & water insecurity * fast fashion * over-fishing...

Earthshot Prize 2022 winners announced

The 2022 Earthshot Prize winners – an accomplished group of entrepreneurs and innovators spearheading ground-breaking solutions to repair and regenerate the planet – are…. below…. Each winner was awarded a £1 million prize at the second-annual Earthshot Prize awards ceremony, which will be broadcast Sunday, December 4 at 17:30pm GMT on BBC and will begin streaming on Monday, December 5 at 2:00pm EST on PBS.org and the PBS app.n Inspired by President John F. Kennedy’s Moonshot challenge in the 1960s, which...