

Australia land of extremes. Why?

One of the issues that came out of the recent #Cop26 climate conference was – that Australia is very much impacted by extremes of climate and the impacts can seen in bushfires which have devastated both wildlife and people in New South Wales and other states. So, why is Australia so very much affected by climate? Australia is a land of “drought and flooding rains”. As rainfall varies significantly from year to year and from decade to decade, recurring floods...

Australian wildlife report : fighting plagues & predators

  A new report, Fighting plagues and predators Australia’s path to a pest and weed-free future, released last week, reveals the environment is facing a “sliding doors” moment, with two possible futures for Australia, depending on the decisions made in the very near future. It highlights a looming wave of new extinctions and outlines two futures for Australia, one based on an unsustainable ‘business as usual’ approach and the other based on implementing targeted actions that will help save our...

Remembering ‘the’ original Australia Wildlife Warrior

Today is  Steve Irwin Day – an annual international event honouring the life and legacy of the one and only Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin! The picture – taken by yours truly – shows me at Australia Zoo with the Irwin family ….. statue.   About Steve Irwin : Living in a home housed with dangerous snakes, lizards, injured birds and orphaned kangaroos was the norm for the Irwin family. His mum, Lyn cared for injured and orphaned animals. Steve used...

Cop26 : global coal to other energy statement explained

GLOBAL COAL TO CLEAN POWER TRANSITION STATEMENT       Last week at COP26 representatives of the countries signed a document away from coal and transitional towards other energy resources- they noted that “the coal power generation is the single biggest cause of global temperature increases, recognise the imperative to urgently scale-up the deployment of clean power to accelerate the energy transition. “   Above this is a YouTube video explaining the challenges of coal…. A key challenge is that “clean...


    COP President Alok Sharma urges ministers to consider youth priorities in COP negotiations and national climate action Young climate leaders join ministers and senior figures in Glasgow 23 countries make national climate education pledges including net-zero schools and putting climate at the heart of national curriculums Views of over 40,000 young climate leaders presented to ministers, negotiators and officials Young climate leaders came together in Glasgow today with negotiators, officials and ministers from across the world, making their...

New Zealand bat winner of Bird of the Year

https://youtu.be/cNf9F7lkWos Congratulations to the pekapeka long-tailed bat!   New Zealand only has two land mammals, and they’re both bats. This is the first time our native bat has been included in Bird of the Year, and it has flown away with the title. These flying furballs are threatened by the same problems as our native birds – predators, habitat loss and climate change. The more we do to protect them, the more it helps their feathered friends, and vice versa.   source...

COP26 – how does climate change impact upon invertebrates?

COP26 – how does climate change impact upon invertebrates?   As the world’s leaders focus their minds on tackling climate change at COP26 this month, Buglife  Conservation Director, Craig Macadam looks at how invertebrates are already feeling the effects of a changing climate. This expands on the climate change focus in Buglife’s NoInsectinction Campaign Climate change is widely recognised as being one of the major long term threats to biodiversity. Most recent predictions are that our climate will become warmer, patterns...

COP26 climate change summit – day 2

What Happened on Day 2 of the COP26 Climate Change Summit President Biden headed home from Glasgow with agreements to cut methane emissions and deforestation, but he rebuked the leaders of China and Russia for not attending.   key points: Biden hails two big agreements at COP26 and scolds Russia and China. As Biden leaves Glasgow with progress on climate change, the most important goals remain elusive. The U.S. says $100 billion a year in climate aid for developing nations...