Cop26 : global coal to other energy statement explained






Last week at COP26 representatives of the countries signed a document away from coal and transitional towards other energy resources- they noted that “the coal power generation is the single biggest cause of global temperature increases, recognise the imperative to urgently scale-up the deployment of clean power to accelerate the energy transition. “


Above this is a YouTube video explaining the challenges of coal…. A key challenge is that “clean coal”  is still coal – one of the biggest polluters on the planet


Here below is the full text …..

We, the undersigned, noting that coal power generation is the single biggest cause of global temperature increases, recognise the imperative to urgently scale-up the deployment of clean power to accelerate the energy transition.

We commit to work together to make clean power the most affordable and accessible option globally, with ensuing economic and health benefits as we build back better from the COVID pandemic.

Our shared vision is to accelerate a transition away from unabated coal power generation, as is essential to meet our shared goals under the Paris Agreement, in a way that benefits workers and communities and ensures access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030 (SDG7).

Unabated’ coal power generation is described by the G7 and the IEA as referring to the use of coal power that is not mitigated with technologies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, such as Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS). You can find out more in this G7 press release (July 2021) and on page 193 of the IEA ‘Net Zero by 2050’ report.

We commit to the following actions to drive this global transition forward, and we encourage others to make similar commitments:

  1. To rapidly scale up our deployment of clean power generation and energy efficiency measures in our economies, and to support other countries to do the same, recognising the leadership shown by countries making ambitious commitments, including through support from the Energy Transition Council;
  2. To rapidly scale up technologies and policies in this decade to achieve a transition away from unabated coal power generation in the 2030s (or as soon as possible thereafter) for major economies and in the 2040s (or as soon as possible thereafter) globally, consistent with our climate targets and the Paris Agreement, recognising the leadership shown by countries making ambitious commitments, including through the Powering Past Coal Alliance;
  3. To cease issuance of new permits for new unabated coal-fired power generation projects (New’ coal-fired power generation projects are defined as coal-fired power generation projects that have not yet reached financial close), cease new construction of unabated coal-fired power generation projects and to end new direct government support for unabated international coal-fired power generation, recognising the leadership of countries making ambitious commitments, including through the No New Coal Power Compact;
  4. To strengthen our domestic and international efforts to provide a robust framework of financial, technical, and social support to affected workers, sectors and communities to make a just and inclusive transition away from unabated coal power in a way that benefits them, and expands access to clean energy for all, recognising the leadership of countries endorsing the COP26 Just Transition Declaration.

We recognize that countries, workers, and communities in the developing world require support to transition from coal and realise a sustainable and economically inclusive energy future, and that international co-operation will be needed to provide such support.

We recognise that while significant progress has been made to realise our shared vision, our task is not yet complete, and we call on others to join us as we redouble our efforts to accelerate the global energy transition over the coming years.

Statement supported by:

The Republic of Albania, H.E. Ms. Belinda Balluku, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure

The Republic of Azerbaijan, HE Mr Parviz Shahbazov, Minister of Energy

The Kingdom of Belgium, Minister Zakia Khattabi, Minister for Climate, Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal

The Republic of Botswana, endorsing clauses 1, 2 and 4

Brunei Darussalam, Hon. Dato Seri Setia Ir. Awang Haji Suhaimi bin Haji Gafar, Minister of Development

Canada, Minister Steven Guilbeault

The Republic of Chile, Minister Juan Carlos Jobet

The Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, Minister Thomas Camara

The Republic of Croatia, Mr Tomislav Ćorić

The Republic of Cyprus, Environment Minister Mr. Costas Kadis

The Kingdom of Denmark, Minister Dan Jørgensen

The Republic of Ecuador, Minister Juan Carlos Bermeo, Minister of Energy and Non Renewable Resources

​​The Arab Republic of Egypt

The European Union, Commissioner Kadri Simson

The Republic of Finland, Minister Mika Lintilä

The French Republic, Minister Barbara Pompili

The Federal Republic of Germany, Minister Svenja Schulze

Hungary, Minister Attila Steiner, endorsing clauses 1, 2 and 4

The Republic of Indonesia, Minister Arifin, endorsing clauses 1, 2 and 4. Indonesia signs up to the COP26 Coal to Clean Power Transition statement, excluding clause 3 but as part of its commitment to reach net zero by 2060, or sooner with international assistance, Indonesia will consider accelerating coal phase out into the 2040s, conditional on agreeing additional international financial and technical assistance.

Ireland, Minister Eamon Ryan TD

The State of Israel, Minister Ms. Karine Elharrar and Minister Tamar Zandberg

The Italian Republic, Ecological Transition Minister, Roberto Cingolani

The Republic of Kazakhstan, First Vice-Minister of Energy, Murat Zhurebekov, endorsing clause 4

The Principality of Liechtenstein, H.E. Ms. Sabine Monauni

The Republic of Maldives, Minister Aminath Shauna

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mariam Bekaye

The Islamic Republic of Mauritius, Honourable Minister Kavydass Ramano

The Kingdom of Morocco, Minister Benali, endorsing clauses 1, 3 and 4

The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Minister Ramashay Prasad Yadav

The Kingdom of the Netherlands, Minister Tom de Bruijn

New Zealand, Minister James Shaw

Republic of North Macedonia, Minister Naser Nuredini

The Republic of Philippines, Secretary Cusi, endorsing clause 1 and partially clauses 2 and 4. The Philippines would like to reiterate a call for climate justice given the Philippines is not a major emitter of greenhouse gases but bears the worsening impacts of climate change, and to emphasise that energy security is foremost as energy transition is a means to improve the lives of the Philippines’ people and the country’s economic development.

The Republic of Poland, Minister Anna Moskwa, Minister of Climate and Environment

The Portuguese Republic, Minister João Pedro Matos Fernandes

The Republic of Senegal, Minister Gladima

The Republic of Singapore, Minister Grace Fu

The Slovak Republic, Environment Minister  Ján Budaj

Federal Republic of Somalia, Hon Amb Gamal Mohamed Hassan, Minister of Planning, Investment and Economic Development

The Republic of Korea, H.E. Moon Sung-wook, Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy

The Kingdom of Spain, Minister Teresa Ribera

The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Minister of Power Gamini Lokuge

Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, COP26 President Alok Sharma

The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, Minister Nguyen Hong Dien

Wales, Julie James, Minister for Climate Change

The Republic of Zambia, Minister Hon. Collins Nzovu MP, Minister of Green Economy and Environment


Jeju, Special Self-Governing Province, Republic of Korea, Koo Man-Seop, Acting Governor

Negros Oriental, the Philippines, Governor Degamo

The State of Hawaii, USA, Governor Ige

The State of Oregon, USA, Governor Brown

The Australian Capital Territory Act Government, Australia, Minister Shane Rattenbury MLA


ACWA Power, Paddy Padmanathan, President & CEO

Carbon Tracker, Jon Grayson, CEO

Diageo, Kirstie McIntyre, Director

Drax, Will Gardiner, CEO

EDF Group, Alexandre Perra, Group Senior Executive Vice-President

EDF UK, Simone Rossi, CEO

EDP, Miguel Stilwell de Andrade, CEO

Engie, Catherine MacGregor, CEO

Envision, Lei Zhang, CEO

Global Solar Council, Gianna Chianetta, CEO

GWEC, Ben Backwell, CEO

Iberdrola, Ignacio S Galan, CEO

International Geothermal Association, Marit Brommer, Executive Director

Legal & General Group Plc, Simon Gadd (ESG Director), John Godfrey (Public Affairs Director), Sara Heald (Head of CSR)

Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) , Cllr Doug McMurdo, LAPFF chair

Mott MacDonald, Professor Denise Bower, Executive Director

National Grid, John Pettigrew, CEO

Ørsted, Mads Nipper, CEO


PSEG, Ralph Izzo, CEO

Renew Power, Sumant Sinha

RES, Eduardo Medina, CEO

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Andreas Nauen, CEO

SSE, Alistair Philips-Davies, CEO

UKSIF, James Alexander, Chief Executive

Varma, Hanna Kaskela

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