

COP26 – how does climate change impact upon invertebrates?

COP26 – how does climate change impact upon invertebrates?   As the world’s leaders focus their minds on tackling climate change at COP26 this month, Buglife  Conservation Director, Craig Macadam looks at how invertebrates are already feeling the effects of a changing climate. This expands on the climate change focus in Buglife’s NoInsectinction Campaign Climate change is widely recognised as being one of the major long term threats to biodiversity. Most recent predictions are that our climate will become warmer, patterns...

COP26 climate change summit – day 2

What Happened on Day 2 of the COP26 Climate Change Summit President Biden headed home from Glasgow with agreements to cut methane emissions and deforestation, but he rebuked the leaders of China and Russia for not attending.   key points: Biden hails two big agreements at COP26 and scolds Russia and China. As Biden leaves Glasgow with progress on climate change, the most important goals remain elusive. The U.S. says $100 billion a year in climate aid for developing nations...