Born Free Foundation


All about tigers

Common name: Tiger Scientific name: Panthera tigris Distribution: Asia and Far-east Russia CITES listing: Appendix I (22/10/1987) Tigers are the largest cat on earth. They are agile, with flexible bodies designed for running, jumping and climbing. Heavily-muscled forelimbs, retractable claws, powerful jaws, sharp teeth and acute senses make them awesome hunters. Their distinctive markings blend in to the colours and shadows of their habitat, having a reddish-orange to yellow-ochre coat with a white belly and black stripes. Tigers are generally...

Celebrating the lion

BORN FREE DECLARES 2022 ‘YEAR OF THE LION’ A year of action for lions in honour of the birthday of our fearless founder and lionheart, Bill Travers MBE, who would have been 100 today. “It’s not that I am more interested in animals than humans, I’m just interested in life”   Born Free is dedicating  2022 as the ‘Year of the Lion’, with an ambitious and intensive 12-month focus on securing a wild future for these magnificent animals. All in memory...