Q&A | WHY …. do bats hang upside down?

The drop and fly theory When you watch a bird take off from the ground, you will notice they need a run-up. In order to get off the ground, flying animals needs to achieve what scientists call “lift” to overcome gravity. Many big birds, and bats, do not have strong enough wing muscles to generate the lift required to take off from a standing position (like a helicopter can). Bats cannot run so it would be almost impossible for them...

Birds of Australia … What bird can YOU spot?

Since it’s Aussie Bird Count this week – “The Aussie Bird Count is for all ages and involves observing and counting the birds that live near you, be it in your garden, the local park, the beach or even outside your office window! You don’t need to be an expert birder to take part — all you need is a little enthusiasm! ”   Here is a guide to the birds of Australia  source: pinterest LearnFromNature  Tweet  ...

A creature of two worlds – the brush tailed possum – cheeky, yet deadly!

My latest feature in Wildlife Australia magazine, about the possum seen as delightful and cheeky in Australia, grilled as a deadly havoc-spreading menace in Aotearoa / New Zealand     There’s a well-known Aussie species, with a benign influence here, but lethal consequences once brought into Aotearoa New Zealand, even if for all the ‘right reasons’ . Henricus Peters shares the story of the brush-tailed possum…     The Australian context  The brush-tailed possum, Trichosurus vulpecula, is the most widely distributed possum in...

Threatened species day 2024 – saving wildlife

Today is Threatened Species Day in Australia Here are some key facts: What is The IUCN Red List? Established in 1964, The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species. The IUCN Red List is a critical indicator of the health of the world’s biodiversity. Far more than a list of species and their status, it...

Celebrating the vulture

International Vulture Awareness Day shines a spotlight on the highly important yet vastly misunderstood birds – vultures. Join the hundreds of organisers and thousands of participants that celebrated IVAD over the years to give these underappreciated guardians of nature a voice and drive meaningful conservation action. LearnFromNature  Tweet  ...

Bird of the Year ….. voting is now OPEN!!

  After a campaign that will go down in history, the pūteketeke Australasian crested grebe has won Bird of the Century 2023, thanks to a global campaign by British-American comedian John Oliver. Voting for Bird of the Year 2024 is now open! And the polls will close at 5pm on Sunday 15 September. The birds….some of them! Kotutu White heron Ruru Morepork Royal Spoonbill Diary Prion Brown creeper Tui Kokako Yellow-eyed Penguin Stitchbird Takahe Kaka Kakapo Black stilt …. the...

‘Humanity is failing’: latest report on the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef will continue to deteriorate, largely due to climate change, and the window to secure its future is rapidly closing. That is the sobering conclusion of a major new report into the state of the reef. Here is the Executive Summary of that Report: Executive summary The window of opportunity to secure a positive future for the Great Barrier Reef (the Reef) is closing rapidly. The Reef remains a vast and spectacular ecosystem and one of the...

Dogs – man’s friend, Mother Nature’s helper

Today – August 26th – is International Dog Dag….. Dogs are known as ‘man’s best friend’ including having more love for their human than themselves Conservation Dogs in New Zealand “ The Conservation Dogs Programme mentors, certifies and supports a nationwide network of dog-handler teams. These teams detect New Zealand’s protected species or unwanted pests.”  ( https://www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/conservation-dog-programme/ ) Hunting dogs in Africa or wolves in America….. LearnFromNature  Tweet  ...


Bilby populations booming at Currawinya Recent heavy rains and favourable weather conditions have resulted in a booming bilby population at the 2500-hectare enclosure at Currawinya National Park, with numbers estimated to be 3-4 times the initial release group. Monitoring using remote cameras and trackers attached to the base of the bilbies tail are revealing exciting news – these endangered  marsupials are thriving at Currawinya and efforts to save the  species in a long-standing partnership with Save the Bilby Fund are delivering early...

Plastics – and invaders – at the ‘bottom of the world’ : Antarctica is not immune

Rafts of garbage, kelp and other debris could transport alien invaders to a warming Antarctica – reports The Conversation website    ” The remote icy wilderness at the bottom of the world is exposed to pollution and foreign organisms on floating ocean debris. Recognising the threat to Antarctica’s remote coastline and unique marine ecosystems, we wanted to find out where this material is coming from. It turns out it’s travelling further than you might think. Using ocean modelling techniques, we...

Education about plants & gardens

  BGCI is thrilled to announce the 11th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens! Since its inauguration in 1991 to the 10th Congress in 2018, each International Congress has brought together educators, practitioners, curators, researchers, and academics, to explore cutting-edge developments in botanic garden education. Held every 3-4 years, these congresses have served as global forums, bringing representatives together to exchange ideas, discuss future priorities, and foster collaborative efforts. Previous congresses have tackled themes spanning sustainability, global awareness, biodiversity...

Biggest threats to the ‘man of the forest’

    August 19th is WORLD ORANG UTAN DAY. Here are the biggest threats to the species…. Never before has their very existence been threatened so severely. Economic crisis combined with natural disasters and human abuse of the forest are pushing one of humankind’s closest cousins to extinction. The main threats in today to the survival of orangutans: Loss of habitat through deforestation Palm oil plantations Illegal hunting Illegal pet trade   Orangutans have lost well over 80% of their...

A to Z of wildlife : New Zealand & Australia | Albatross

The Albatross Task Force: reducing albatross deaths by 99% The Albatross Task Force, led by BirdLife International and its UK partner, the RSPB, is an international team of experts on a mission to reduce seabird bycatch by 80% in some of the world’s deadliest fisheries.   Taiaroa Head is the only mainland breeding ground of any species of albatross, and there is nothing that compares with the sheer exhilaration of having a huge Northern Royal Albatross with an over three-metre wingspan...

Why elephants are important….World elephant day 2024

The theme for World Elephant Day 2024 – August 12 – focuses on “Personifying prehistoric beauty, theological relevance, and environmental importance.” This theme highlights the importance of preserving natural habitats to ensure the survival of elephants. RECENT NEWS A groundbreaking study on African elephant communication has revealed that elephants, like humans, use ‘names’ to address each other. Researchers at Save the Elephants, Colorado State University, and ElephantVoices have recorded vocalisations from wild African elephants in Kenya that suggest they address...