Australian ‘Dinosaur trees’ get help from UK

Botanist James Wong joins Forestry England at Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest in Kent today to help plant six critically endangered Wollemi Pine trees – the first global ‘metacollection’ to save the iconic species from extinction. Botanist and broadcaster, James Wong, joins Forestry England at Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest in Kent on 31.10.2023 to help plant six critically endangered Wollemi pine trees. The planting event is the first stage of an international conservation effort to establish a flourishing, genetically...

World Heritage – the highlights ‘reel’ of recent meeting

The curtain has just come down on the 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee in New Delhi.  Here is the end-of-meeting blog by Tim Badman, Director, World Heritage, IUCN IUCN brought a delegation that was not only diverse, but represented the whole of the Union, including global, regional, and country-office staff and Commission specialists. IUCN Regional Councillor Vivek Menon and the World Commission on Protected Areas Regional Vice-chair Sonali Ghosh attended the event as well. There were also IUCN...

Resolving wildlife conflict between elephants and humans …. without killing

Death of Umi sparks concern over electric threat to Sumatran elephants This headline from Mongabay highlights a very real wildlife problem – one where the ‘solution’ is itself creating even more problems – dead elephants. ” Electrified fences set up around farms are an emerging threat to the critically endangered Sumatran elephant, conservationists told Mongabay Indonesia following a series of deaths this year in Aceh and Jambi provinces.” Here are the facts: Electric fences are common deterrents in Africa and...

World Heritage | Globally unique ‘Scotland flow country’ added

  Planet’s largest blanket bog is first peatland to be designated by Unesco after 40-year campaign As reported in the Guardian : The Flow Country, a vast and unspoiled blanket bog that carpets the far north of Scotland, has been made a world heritage site by Unesco. The planet’s largest blanket bog, the Flow Country covers about 1,500 sq miles of Caithness and Sutherland, and is the first peatland in the world to be designated by Unesco, after a 40-year...

Renewed efforts to save the tiger

“Save the tigers before they are silenced forever.” – Unknown “Global Tiger Day is a powerful reminder of the urgent need to protect tigers and their habitats. Born from the ambitious goals set at the 2010 Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit to double the wild tiger population, this day is a pivotal occasion to honour conservation efforts, rally communities worldwide, and inspire continued action to safeguard these majestic creatures. India’s pre-event celebrations across ten villages will include drawing competitions, storytelling, quizzes,...

Creature Feature | Australian bird, New Zealander too?

The Australasian swamphen (Porphyrio melanotus) is a species of swamphen (Porphyrio) occurring in eastern Indonesia), Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand. The New Zealand bird, known as the pūkeko, some believe to be a subspecies of the purple swamphen.   Establishment in New Zealand According to the Heather and Robertson Field Guide, the bird seems to have become established in New Zealand about 1000 years ago. According to Millener (1981), it invaded from Australia less than 1,000 years ago. It...

Why mangroves are such an important habitat

On this World Mangrove Day we che in on amazing mangroves… Mangroves provide natural infrastructure to help protect nearby populated areas by reducing erosion and absorbing storm surge impacts during extreme weather events such as hurricanes. They are also important to the ecosystem too. Their dense roots help bind and build soils. LearnFromNature  Tweet  ...

Hot Topic | Why shark fin soup is bad

  Many types of sharks are exploited for their fins, including endangered species such as the Scalloped Hammerhead and Great Hammerhead. Shark products can contain dangerous levels of mercury, presenting a public health risk. Read more here  LearnFromNature  Tweet  ...

Creature Feature | Unique ‘Tinker frog’ amongst many critically endangered

Several frog species are critically endangered OR presumed extinct – they gave NOT been spotted in the wild for years / decades despite surveys. One key reason is – disease: ‘ Faded out: What environments did Australian frog populations disappear from due to disease? ” By looking at historical and recent frog records across Australia, including from FrogID, we reveal how Australian frog distributions have changed in response to the introduction of a deadly pathogen. Globally, biodiversity is in trouble,...

Water Wednesday | How Plastic Pollution Harms Ocean Animals

Items like plastic bags, discarded fishing line and balloon strings are highly lethal to marine animals, who swim through them and become entangled. Turtles, seabirds and even dolphins get caught in these plastic traps. If they cannot swim and reach the surface, mammals that rely on regular breaths of air will eventually drown. For others, the plastic strings may choke them or cut off circulation to their limbs. We can save animals from entanglement by banning plastic bags and balloons,...

Tuesday Talk | ferns

  Ferns generally reproduce by producing spores. Similar to flowering plants, ferns have roots, stems and leaves. However, unlike flowering plants, ferns do not have flowers or seeds; instead, they usually reproduce sexually by tiny spores or sometimes can reproduce vegetatively, as exemplified by the walking fern. LearnFromNature  Tweet  ...

Sharks… vital creatures of the ocean!

  Sharks are crucial to our marine ecosystems, a role often overshadowed by their scary reputation. Shark Awareness Day is marked on 14 July each year. Many Sharks Species Are Endangered. Great hammerhead shark (Critically Endangered) Sand tiger shark (Critically Endangered) Sandbar shark (Endangered) Blacktip reef shark (Vulnerable) Silky shark (Vulnerable) Nurse shark (Endangered) Whitespotted bamboo shark (Near Threatened) Brownbanded bamboo shark (Near Threatened) Coconuts Are More Dangerous Than Sharks. Sharks Can Lose More Than 30,000 Teeth In A Lifetime...

World Orca Day

Orcas are very, very special creatures….. Just check out the book by Eric Hoyt – Orca: The whale called killer  Here are some top facts about Orca Killer Whales? More like Killer Dolphins! How to identify an Orca. They are a top predator. Orcas have a similar lifespan to humans. Orcas are pregnant for 17 months. They travel great distances. Orcas have their own languages. Whales are warm-blooded like other mammals. A fatty tissue called “blubber” keeps them warm. Echolocation...

Nature Quote | Dr Jane Goodall

To me, cruelty is the worst of human sins. Once we accept that a living creature has feelings and suffers pain, then by knowingly and deliberately inflicting suffering on that creature, we are guilty, whether it be human or animal. The greatest danger to our future is apathy. LearnFromNature  Tweet  ...