‘Spring Alive’ : the Common Ringed Plover


As birds migrate from Europe to their wintering grounds in Africa, we explore the fascinating behaviour of the Common Ringed Plover, a small but feisty wader familiar across Africa’s wetlands.

Have you ever looked at a migratory bird and imagined where it came from, and all the places it passed through to get to where it is here, today? Have you ever thought about all the different people of different nationalities who have observed and appreciated this bird before you? In 2020, most of us have experienced more restrictions on our lives and movements than ever before due to the coronavirus pandemic. Throughout this time, birds have never been a more powerful symbol of connectivity. Unlike us, they are still free to cross national borders, oceans and continents, and by appreciating their journey and the nations we share them with, they unite us despite everything.

During this difficult time, countless people have turned to nature as a source of comfort and solace. With our 2020 theme “how to be a good birdwatcher”, Spring Alive has guided budding birdwatchers along the right path, promoting best-practice guidelines to ensure an enjoyable, safe and bird-friendly experience. And though public events have been cancelled and schools closed, we’ve still been hard at work online, sharing nature-themed educational activities to keep children interested and engaged.

But while life has lost its variety for many of us, the natural world is always changing. It’s now getting to the time of year when Europe says goodbye to the migratory birds it has cherished throughout the spring and summer, and wishes them safe passage to Africa. As African bird lovers eagerly await the influx of new arrivals, we’d like to introduce this year’s brand new Spring Alive species: the Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula.

We chose this small, adorable wader in order to expand the Spring Alive world to an exciting new habitat: wetlands. The iconic species can be easily spotted along coastlines, marshes, rivers and lakes throughout Southern Africa – in fact, you may well have seen it already. But you might not be aware of the fascinating and fearless behaviours that are packed into this tiny but feisty bird.

( source- http://www.birdlife.org/worldwide/news/introducing-our-new-spring-alive-species-common-ringed-plover-0 )

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