

Year of the Dove campaign explained

  Year of the Dove is a campaign which concludes in May 2022which aims to; Spotlight the plight of the Turtle Dove across their range via a global publicity campaign. Pressurise and lobby decision-makers to change and reinforce legal protection across the flyway and beyond. Which bird is mentioned in the bible more than any other? Answer Turtle Dove over 50 times! I find it amazing and heart-warming that these wonderful birds have been celebrated as part of our cultural...

Endangered birds – mostly bad, but some good news

An update from Birdlife about IUCN RED LIST OF ENDANGERED SPECIES In December: Asia’s big forest birds bear the brunt of hunting and habitat loss, while the heat is on for species on the front line of climate chaos. Meanwhile, rousing recoveries show us the way forward in this year’s Red List update. Now : BirdLife has released its yearly update to birds on the IUCN Red List of threatened species: the result of months of hard work from our science...

Australian bird count!

The #AussieBirdCount is a great way to connect with the birds in your backyard no matter where your backyard happens to be — a suburban backyard, a local park, a patch of forest, down by the beach, or the main street of town. You can count as many times as you like over the week, we just ask that each count is completed over a 20-minute period. The data collected assists BirdLife Australia in understanding more about the birds that...

‘Spring Alive’ : the Common Ringed Plover

As birds migrate from Europe to their wintering grounds in Africa, we explore the fascinating behaviour of the Common Ringed Plover, a small but feisty wader familiar across Africa’s wetlands. Have you ever looked at a migratory bird and imagined where it came from, and all the places it passed through to get to where it is here, today? Have you ever thought about all the different people of different nationalities who have observed and appreciated this bird before you? In...