Protecting our fisheries


Many of us enjoy eating fish – and there are numerous benefits to eating fish

  •  “Eating fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential nutrients keep our heart and brain healthy. Two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Our bodies don’t produce omega-3 fatty acids so we must get them through the food we eat.”

According to Greenpeace : “More than 3 billion people around the globe depend on the ocean for their livelihoods. Many of these communities are now finding that the fish they’ve caught for generations are disappearing because of industrial fishing.

We know that industrial-scale fishing is one of the greatest threats to the health of the ocean. Fishing in this way, including using trawlers with giant weighted nets that are up to 200m wide, is far cry from hanging a line over the side of a boat.

This is exactly why we’ve been pushing for a strong Global Oceans Treaty that protects vast swathes of international waters from destructive human activities.”

Forest & Bird is campaigning to against  “bottom trawling”

Eating fish sustainably –

* for Aotearoa / New Zealand, see the Good Fish Guide from Forest & Bird  

* for the the United Kingdom, see MCS Good Fish Guide



Sources : & Greenpeace Aotearoa

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