Nature ‘really does help’ during pandemic!

Natural England’s new People and Nature Survey has revealed that during April-June 2020, almost nine in 10 adults in England reported that protection of the environment is important to them personally. Nearly three quarters of adults were concerned about biodiversity loss in England. The nation’s gardens, parks, woodlands and rivers have played a huge part in helping us all through the coronavirus pandemic, with almost nine in 10 of adults in England reporting that being in nature makes them very happy. Four...

Indigenous peoples day

Many might know today as Columbus Day, which celebrates the Italian explorer’s arrival to America in 1492. But to many others, today is Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a counter-event that honors Native Americans whose lives were destroyed by colonial rule. Indigenous Peoples’ Day has been celebrated since it was first introduced in 1977 at an indigenous conference but took over a decade to be officially acknowledged and remains overlooked. Today, the artist-founded initiative For Freedoms is launching a country-wide billboard project honoring the...

Park ranger highlights need for more persons of colour

When he was a child, Cassius Cash said, his parents hammered home a lesson that always stuck with him: Stay away from the woods. “I was born in ’68 in Memphis, Tenn., and the woods to my mother and father was not considered to be a safe place for people of color in the Deep South,” he said in an interview. Cash, now the superintendent of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, says many Black children still believe the woods are...

‘Nations fall short’ on biodiversity

National governments have fallen short on delivering conservation commitments for protected and conserved areas under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), despite the expansion in protected areas over the last decade, according to a new analysis published today in Nature. Led by Dr Sean Maxwell of the University of Queensland and co-authored by members of IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas, the paper analyses whether growth in protected areas between 2010 and 2019 has led to better protection for natural...

Habitats are vital

Every October, UN-Habitat and partners organize a month of activities, events and discussions on urban sustainability. This year, Urban October activities will begin with World Habitat Day on 5 October. The purpose of World Habitat Day is to reflect on the state of our towns and cities, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It is also intended to remind the world that we all have the power and the responsibility to shape the future of our...

‘Humans must live in harmony with Nature’ – biodiversity summit told

Make Bold Environmental Action Central Focus of Post Pandemic Economic Recovery, Speakers Urge as General Assembly Holds First Ever Global Biodiversity Summit The COVID‑19 pandemic is a wake‑up call to the world to halt an alarming decline in its rich biological diversity, but it is also a unique opportunity to put bold and ambitious environmental action at the heart of national post‑coronavirus economic recovery strategies as the international community strives to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals, speakers said today as...

Rice farming 3000 years ago

New research has shed light on how paddy field rice farming rapidly expanded along Asia’s coastline 2,000–3,000 years ago after freshwater conditions improved, according to an international team of earth sciences researchers that includes a University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa archaeology professor. The findings were featured in an article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. “Rice is the foundation of Asian civilizations, and our study reveals a remarkable relationship involving late Holocene coastal evolution and the rise of...