Learning from Nature | The Week 27 November


A snapshot of the last week in the environmental field

Photo images from born free foundation

In New Zealand, Forest & Bird has been having its North Island Gathering which included speakers about native wildlife and upcoming celebrations of F&B 100 years since it was established. There will be a number of separate posts articles about 100 years event.

In Australia, scientists have been focused on finding out more about the effects of sound on marine mammals especially whales in Queensland.  For more, see post here

in the United Kingdom, all free foundation a dedicated 2020 to Year of the Lion

Sophie Roe, writing in The Inkcap Journal has a feature on the botanist Margaret Bradshaw who is 96 years old, “and something of a legend among botanists”.

In global news, CITES – the Convention international trade in endanger species –  has developed a new wildlife tracking system.

The climate change conference – COP 27 – concluded with many bad reviews regarding his lack of successful outcomes. Here are some of the media reviews

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