Forest & Bird will celebrate 100 years in 2023!


A year of Forest & Bird celebration will kick off in March 2023. Here’s a sneak preview of the theme and some of the events already under way.

The theme for the upcoming Centennial Celebrations is “What is your legacy?

Most New Zealanders love nature – it’s part of who they are. During 2023, we hope to encourage thousands of small actions to help protect and restore our environment.

There are lots of ways people can leave a legacy for nature, including volunteering / signing a petition, or making a donation or bequest.

They could also encourage their friends and family to join Forest & Bird or KCC ( kiwi Conservation club )  and create thousands of new voices for nature during 2023, a critical election year!

In March 2023, we will launch a varied and exciting 12-month centennial programme for members and supporters of all ages to enjoy, including national, local, and online events.

As well as reflecting on Forest & Bird’s history and impact, there will also be plenty of opportunity to think about the future of conservation and what that might look like.

Forest & Bird’s chief executive Nicola Toki says she can’t wait for the centennial celebrations to kick off. She is looking forward to a series of thought-provoking, fun, and family-friendly activities.

“Being an independent voice for nature and coming up with world-leading ideas and solutions is in our Society’s whakapapa,” she said. “That’s the legacy our founder Val Sanderson left New Zealanders, and it’s one reason why I wanted to join Forest & Bird.

“Sanderson was passionate about saving the birds and the bush for future generations, especially children, to enjoy. In the 1920s and 30s, he and his fellow volunteers promoted science-based ideas and solutions that were well ahead of their time.

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