Creature feature | the kiwi



The kiwi is a unique and curious bird: it cannot fly, has loose, hair-like feathers, strong legs and no tail. Learn more about the kiwi, the national icon of New Zealand and unofficial national emblem. New Zealanders have been called ‘Kiwis’ since the nickname was bestowed by Australian soldiers in the First World War.

New Zealanders have been called ‘Kiwis’ since the nickname was bestowed by Australian soldiers in the First World War. Today a lot of dedicated people help to prevent kiwi from becoming extinct. There are five species of kiwi, all needing our help.

Are Kiwis still endangered 2022?
Today it’s estimated there are around 68,000 kiwis left and unmanaged kiwi populations continue to decline by 2% every year. In areas where kiwi are being managed, the situation is improving and many populations are stable or increasing.
Threats to the Kiwi
Predators and pests : Aotearoa, a land of birds, had no land-based mammalian predators before people introduced them. These are now the main threat to the kiwi’s survival.
loss of habitat : The state of New Zealand’s landscape has radically changed because much of our forests have been cleared to make way for farmland.
fragmented Kiwi populations : Habitat loss and predation of kiwi have seen kiwi populations decline and become separated from each other.

Some groups helping kiwi

* Save the Kiwi operates in partnership with DOC with a shared vision to take kiwi from endangered to everywhere. Save the Kiwi has distributed more than $7 million to kiwi conservation groups across the country. The funding is vital, but it is not the only measure of success of this partnership

How to help

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