The Encyclopedia of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises
Eric Hoyt, Principal photography by Brandon Cole, Illustrations by Uko Gorter
A Firefly Book
ISBN 13-987-0-2281-0435-3
“Back on the sea, the wind in my face, the smell of salt water, the crack an explosive spout off the bow, the rapid-fire of cameras clicking cameras as the broad back and dorsal fin appear, the plop of a hydro-phone to eavesdrop on the whalesong…..’
We enter the world of whales, dolphins and porpoises – the so-called cetaceans!
For the last 40 years, Eric Hoyt admits he’s been lucky to experience this moment many times over, never tiring of it. Living on the edge of what we understand about cetaceans, he says, has been a wild ride….
His latest book – The Encyclopedia of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises – updated and revised since its first appeared in 2017 – is a testament to that ‘wild ride’ .
This lovely volume includes a detailed analysis of 93 species – including three newly-described species – from those living in coastal waters, rivers and lakes, to the oceans of the Arctic and Antarctic – their lives. their biology, their fascinating and long migrations. In support of this data, is the story of how humans’ relationship with these beautiful creatures has developed or, some would say gone. stray and become commercialized – through whaling, animals getting trapped in fishing nets.
Following the success of the first edition, which gained awards for clarity of story-telling, this revised work is again sure-footed in its clan presentation, with precise illustrations of the species, and superb photography. Hoyt brings into sharp focus an ocean world which we rely upon so much – even if we don’t know it – or wouldn’t admit to! This is a sadly disappearing world which some of us will never see in its proper fashion. I have been fortunate to witness orca (killer whales ) – another of expert Erio Hoyt’s passions (A Whale Called Killer) and whale sharks – they are example sof creatures to be appreciated and revered – but not maligned and attacked.
This book is a fascinating compilation of the latest data on cetaceans and an impassioned argument for the ongoing need for international protection of at-risk populations and their increasingly damaged habitat.
Encyclopedia of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoisesincludes:
- detailed profiles of 90 current species of cetaceans
- a report on the newly discovered species in the genus Berardius, a small black form related to the Baird’s beaked whale
- fascinating sidebars that bring to life cetacean society and culture
- an enlightening discussion of the differences between dolphins and porpoises
- new information on the history and impact of whaling
- illustrations of each species by renowned artist Uko Gorter
- color photographs by world-famous marine photographer Brandon Cole, among others.
The Encyclopedia of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises is a hugely-significant addition to pushing this understanding in us land-based humans. I hope every sea, land and nature-lover gets to see this new book. Not to do so, and therefore not to further progress our knowledge of this watery world and its magnificent inhabitants, would be unfortunate.
Reviewed by Henricus Peters
- see a marine feature in Oceania pages of this magazine