Sharks… vital creatures of the ocean!



Sharks are crucial to our marine ecosystems, a role often overshadowed by their scary reputation. Shark Awareness Day is marked on 14 July each year.

  • Many Sharks Species Are Endangered.
  • Great hammerhead shark (Critically Endangered)
  • Sand tiger shark (Critically Endangered)
  • Sandbar shark (Endangered)
  • Blacktip reef shark (Vulnerable)
  • Silky shark (Vulnerable)
  • Nurse shark (Endangered)
  • Whitespotted bamboo shark (Near Threatened)
  • Brownbanded bamboo shark (Near Threatened)

  • Coconuts Are More Dangerous Than Sharks.

  • Sharks Can Lose More Than 30,000 Teeth In A Lifetime Unlike humans, who have a single set of 32 permanent teeth, when a shark loses a tooth, another one will quickly take its place to ensure that these apex predators are always prepared for their next meal.
  • Sharks Can’t Get Cavities. Dentists recommend fluoride to help protect our teeth from cavities, but sharks never have to worry about brushing their teeth! This is because the surfaces of their teeth are coated in fluoride, keeping them safe from decay.
  • Shark Skin Is More Like Teeth Than Fish Scales. Sharks may look sleek and smooth, but their skin is actually made up of tiny v-shaped scales, also called dermal denticles, which are made of an inner pulp cavity and an outside layer of dentine, an enamel-like material (just like our teeth) Bonus Fact: Olympic Swimmers wear suits designed to mimic shark skin to reduce drag and swim faster in competition.
  • Depending On The Species, Sharks Can Give Birth In Three Different Ways!Oviparous
    Oviparous sharks lay eggs protected by an egg case, also known as a mermaid purse. The female deposits the egg cases in the ocean, and once the pups are fully developed, they will chew themselves out of the egg. About 40% of sharks are oviparous.

    Viviparous sharks carry their embryos to term and give birth to live shark pups. This is often seen in larger species like hammerheads and blue sharks.

    Ovoviviparous sharks produce eggs, but instead of those eggs hatching outside of the body, the eggs are carried to full gestation. When the eggs hatch, the shark pups will continue developing inside the female until she gives live birth.

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