

Flooding | Auckland’s emergency: a lesson in geography

Auckland New Zealand floods …. Having spent several days hemmed in by a landslide, Professor John Morgan offers a ‘lesson plan’ for Auckland children returning to school to help them understand what’s going on in their city. “When Auckland schools go back, there’s a case to be made that geography teachers take over lessons for a day or two. Auckland’s ‘state of emergency’ – the floods and landslides that have affected the city and its region, and which will have...

Trees our greatest ally in floods

images by Henricus Peters  Trees are very important in our natural landscapes – never more so when it comes to     the impacts of flooding…. Dr Gregory Moore, botanist, writes on The Conversation website : “As the floodwaters recede, mountains of debris are left behind – sheets of plaster, loose clothes, mattresses and, of course, trees. Some debris I’ve seen in floods includes massive tree trunks weighing 5 tonnes of more, bobbing along like corks in the rapidly flowing...

The flooding caused a HUGE impact on Australian wildlife

‘The sad reality is many don’t survive’: how floods affect wildlife…. For over two decades, bull sharks have called a Brisbane golf course home after, it’s believed, a flood washed them into the course’s lake in 1996. Now, after severe floods connected their landlocked home back to the river system, these sharks have gone missing, perhaps attempting to seek larger water bodies. This bizarre tale is one of many accounts illustrating how Australia’s wildlife respond to flooding. But the sad...