

Flooding | Auckland’s emergency: a lesson in geography

Auckland New Zealand floods …. Having spent several days hemmed in by a landslide, Professor John Morgan offers a ‘lesson plan’ for Auckland children returning to school to help them understand what’s going on in their city. “When Auckland schools go back, there’s a case to be made that geography teachers take over lessons for a day or two. Auckland’s ‘state of emergency’ – the floods and landslides that have affected the city and its region, and which will have...

Flooding in Australia – what’s the cause?

Floods have made headlines ( again ) this past week across Australia news media…. Flood warnings in place in Australia’s eastern states, with predictions the wet weather could persist until the middle of next week   So why does it flood in Australia? “The oceans north of Australia are warmer and that causes more moisture flowing from the Indian ocean to eastern parts of Australia,” ( Agus Santoso, senior researcher at the University of New South Wales Climate Research Centre...