Book review – ‘New Zealand Nature Heroes’ by Gillian Candler


Potton & Burton are very good at a high quality nature publishing.

Nature Heroes takes the reader to an array of ‘larger than life’ characters , and real life folks, all of whom have one big thing in common – their love and nature , and their willingness to do something practical about a particular species, to help it out.

By Award-winning author Gillian Candler

Richard Henry – the grandfather of conservation’ – who helped the kakapo

Don Merton – the Wildlife Service expert – who arguably saved the Chatham Island blue robin

Nicola Tokyo – Department of Conservation threatened species a ambassador .

George Gibbs – weta expert and overall insect person –

Ingrid Visser – friend of the Orca (killer whale )

Jordan Aria Housiaux – marine scientist – particularly caught my attention, as she was encouraged to be with nature .. from birth!

These – and more – are all here in this wonderful book. It’s wonderful because, as well as telling the true stories of these ‘wildlife adventurers’ , it goes further by including great activities such as beach cleanups and how to ID butterflies. So, yes its a ‘kiwi book’ , but much, much than that too – a ‘history handbook’ for younger readers, which puts people holding nature’s hand (where you this was necessary, as people messed up in the first place) in a real context. The last few pages include very worthwhile websites and further reading.

Gillian Candler has done herself proud with this great and easy to read resource providing ‘inspiration for young Conservationists’

Review by Henricus Peters

Book available via Potton & Burton

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