Celebrating the lion



A year of action for lions in honour of the birthday of our fearless founder and lionheart, Bill Travers MBE, who would have been 100 today.

“It’s not that I am more interested in animals than humans, I’m just interested in life”


Born Free is dedicating  2022 as the ‘Year of the Lion’, with an ambitious and intensive 12-month focus on securing a wild future for these magnificent animals. All in memory of ‘lion of a man’ Bill Travers, on what would have been his 100th Birthday today.

Born Free’s Co-Founder and star of the classic movie, Bill died suddenly in 1994, but his fearless energy, compassion and strength live on in the work of the charity, which is is on the frontline, fighting against the exploitation of captive lions and for the future of the species in the wild.

Throughout the year, we’ll be calling on the public to help halt the devastating decline in numbers and campaign for the welfare of lions exploited in zoos, circuses and as ‘pets’, Born Free’s Year of the Lion will focus on key objectives to tackle the real issues lions face right now. A Forever Lions Fund, set up in memory of Bill, will raise funds and awareness to address the plight of lions.

Virginia McKenna OBE, Bill’s wife and Born Free Co-Founder, reflects: “It’s not that I am more interested in animals than humans, I’m just interested in life”

More information & to take action – Born Free Foundation

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