

UNESCO World Heritage: 42 new sites inscribed

The 45th session of the World Heritage Committee concluded on Monday 25 September and inscribed 42 new sites and approved the extension of 5 sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The Committee inscribed:  42 new sites, of which 33 are cultural sites and 9 are natural sites. These sites will now benefit from the highest level of heritage protection in the world. They will also have access to new opportunities for technical and financial assistance from UNESCO. These inscriptions bring...

Let’s think about ‘Walking to School’ this month

  International Walk to School Month is an annual global initiative that encourages students, parents, and communities to walk or bike to school during the month of October. With 4 out of 5 Australian kids not getting the recommended 1 hour of physical activity a day, walking to and from school is a great way to guarantee exercise five days a week. Regular walking helps build healthier, stronger bones, muscles and joints, as well as better performing heart and lungs....

Creature Feature | Takake success story

The flightless takahē is a unique bird, a conservation icon and a survivor. Good news…. The Wellington (New Zealand ) population of Takahe have doubled…. The flightless takahē (South Island takahē; Porphyrio hochstetteri), is the world’s largest living rail (a family of small-medium sized ground-dwelling birds with short wings, large feet and long toes). The North Island takahē (moho; P. mantelli) is unfortunately extinct. Takahē have special cultural, spiritual and traditional significance to Ngāi Tahu, the iwi (Māori tribe) of...

World Migratory Bird Day….. WATER!

https://learnfromnaturetoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/WMBD-GLOBAL-Poster_all_logos_e.jpg World Migratory Bird Day campaign will focus on the topic of … water and its importance for migratory birds. Water is fundamental to life on our planet. The vast majority of migratory birds rely on aquatic ecosystems during their life cycles. Inland and coastal wetlands, rivers, lakes, streams, marshes, and ponds are all vital for feeding, drinking, or nesting, and also as places to rest and refuel during their long journeys. Unfortunately, aquatic ecosystems are becoming increasingly threatened around the...

World Animal Day

World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals. Each one of us can make a difference – together we make change! Event happening in Sydney, Australia on October 14th  More infö here about World Animal Day ...

Resilient urban economies …. World Habitat Day

    On 2 October 2023, World Habitat Day focuses on the theme “Resilient urban economies. Cities as drivers of growth and recovery”, will look at how cities can position their economies to benefit residents. Join thé Webinar here   World Habitat Day is held on the first Monday of October and launches Urban October. The day centers around the global observance, which is held in a different country each year with keynote speakers and roundtable discussions focused on a...