

Resilient urban economies …. World Habitat Day

    On 2 October 2023, World Habitat Day focuses on the theme “Resilient urban economies. Cities as drivers of growth and recovery”, will look at how cities can position their economies to benefit residents. Join thé Webinar here   World Habitat Day is held on the first Monday of October and launches Urban October. The day centers around the global observance, which is held in a different country each year with keynote speakers and roundtable discussions focused on a...

Cities ‘not’ always good for your health

  Latest research shows cities have areas which ‘health-constrained’ , rather promoting good habits. Can better city planning change this?  We have all witnessed the scene – mile after mile of cars packed in traffic jams; folks no longer leaving their vehicles to do a food shop but preferring to ‘travel’ via the drive-through for less-than-healthy  takeaways! This not New York – this is in fact Australia and New Zealand… The Conversation website reports on both interesting and ( arguably)...

Cities hot topic at Davos Conference

  As Davos conference comes to an end, let’s look at an #DavosAgenda item – life and economics of life in the city. The city – where more and more of us live, and where children in particular grow up with both opportunities of resources as well as the blunt realities of being separated from nature.  Those blunt realities come (and from ) with huge emissions…. see ‘Decarbonising Cities’ below…. Sometimes seen, often invisible, always arguably deadly long term. As...