

IUCN / TRAFFIC report – Rhino poaching has dropped but species still critical

Rhino poaching and illegal trade decline but remain critical threats –IUCN / TRAFFIC report Overall rhino poaching rates have declined since 2018, and trade data suggests the lowest annual estimate of rhino horns entering illegal trade markets since 2013, according to a new report by the IUCN SSC African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups and TRAFFIC for the 19th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora...

butterflies in a real flap

People in the UK recently held The annual Big butterfly count – results from 2021 big butterfly count Small white: 252,151 – 1.88 (-5%) Large white: 229,218 – 1.71 (-16%) Meadow brown: 197,060 – 1.47 (33%) Gatekeeper: 133,726 – 0.99 (-30%) Red admiral: 75,394 – 0.56 (-10%) Ringlet: 63,311 – 0.47 (81%) Peacock: 61,668 – 0.46 (-63%) Small tortoiseshell: 38,543 – 0.29 (32%) From a World view,  there was bad news about an iconic species – the monarch “Migratory monarch...

Great Barrier Reef good news & bad

Coral has recovered from storms and bleaching events to record levels across much of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, a survey has found. The reef’s northern and central parts have the highest amount of coral cover since monitoring began 36 years ago. But coral cover in the southern part of the reef has decreased. The new coral is particularly vulnerable – meaning the progress could be quickly undone by climate change and other threats, officials say. Each year the Australian Institute...