butterflies in a real flap


People in the UK recently held The annual Big butterfly count –

results from 2021 big butterfly count

  • Small white: 252,151 – 1.88 (-5%)
  • Large white: 229,218 – 1.71 (-16%)
  • Meadow brown: 197,060 – 1.47 (33%)
  • Gatekeeper: 133,726 – 0.99 (-30%)
  • Red admiral: 75,394 – 0.56 (-10%)
  • Ringlet: 63,311 – 0.47 (81%)
  • Peacock: 61,668 – 0.46 (-63%)
  • Small tortoiseshell: 38,543 – 0.29 (32%)

From a World view,  there was bad news about an iconic species – the monarch

“Migratory monarch butterfly now Endangered – IUCN Red List… “

Gland, Switzerland, 21 July 2022 (IUCN) – The migratory monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus plexippus), known for its spectacular annual journey of up to 4,000 kilometres across the Americas, has entered the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM as Endangered, threatened by habitat destruction and climate change. All surviving sturgeon species – also migratory, found across the northern hemisphere – are now at risk of extinction due to dams and poaching, pushing the world’s most Critically Endangered group of animals yet closer to the brink. The tiger (Panthera tigris) has been reassessed, revealing new population figures.




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