Coral reefs


Great Barrier Reef good news & bad

Coral has recovered from storms and bleaching events to record levels across much of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, a survey has found. The reef’s northern and central parts have the highest amount of coral cover since monitoring began 36 years ago. But coral cover in the southern part of the reef has decreased. The new coral is particularly vulnerable – meaning the progress could be quickly undone by climate change and other threats, officials say. Each year the Australian Institute...

Western Indian Ocean coral reefs collapse within 50 years? So says IUCN

  We’ve known for some time that coral reefs are in decline, but now we know more precisely to what degree, and why,”   So said Dr. David Obura, lead author of a new assessment – Founding Director at Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO East Africa) and Chair of the IUCN SSC Corals Specialist Group. “This assessment reaffirms the urgency of the interlinked climate and biodiversity crises addressed by COP26 last month in Glasgow, and...