

Soils – new plan for healthy green countryside

  Soil is one of the world’s most precious resources, but is often overlooked. The soil does many important tasks. It provides food and energy, keeps water clean, acts as a place to store carbon in the fight against climate change, and maintains biodiversity. But some modern farming and countryside management practices have been degrading our soil, causing erosion and causing other issues in the surrounding landscape. Now soil is at the centre of a recently announced UK government policy...

Is all well in paradise? Christmas Island locals demand a voice…

Australia is adding an area of the Indian Ocean bigger than France to its network of marine parks in an attempt to keep out international fishing boats and promote scientific discovery in two biodiversity hotspots. The Morrison government announced $5.4m would be spent to create two marine parks around Christmasp Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands covering 740,000 sq km – a huge expanse of ocean almost as large as the state of New South Wales. Conservationists said the promised...

National Parks of Australia: Christmas Island turns 40

“Located 1500 km from the Australian mainland, Christmas Island is a remarkable ecotourism destination. This tiny dot of land in the Indian Ocean boasts tropical rainforests, freshwater wetlands, spectacular sea cliffs and diverse wildlife both above and below the water. Visit us to encounter rare birds, millions of crabs and an extraordinary array of marine life. ( Source : https://parksaustralia.gov.au/christmas/ ) Geology Christmas Island’s steep cliffs, stepped terraces and abundant caves are the result of a fascinating geological past. The...

Animals of Christmas : the Robin

The robin is a fundamental creature of Christmas season Appearing on Christmas cards ( right )   ~~~~~~~~~ The Robin – according to some English folklore – is the harbinger of “bad luck” . Note I’m not all into superstition, however I found this intriguing ….. “A robin in the house is a portent of death The humble little robin, eh? Who’d have thought he hid such sinister purpose? But some people take this very seriously indeed. On Dartmoor, it...