

Feral Pigeons good or bad?

We have referenced the need for heroes in a previous post – BBC Wildlife Magazine now asks the question are feral pigeons good or bad? Is it really that black or white an issues? Some of us think the feral pigeon is a pest, but Steve Harris is smitten by this tough, adaptable and really rather useful bird. It was the satirist Tom Lehrer who started the rot in 1959 with his song Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, which explained that...

What makes a ‘hero’?

Ever wondered how people get to be heroes? We could certainly use some of these heroes in today’s mixed up world… Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman / Diana … No, actually real life heroes who go out of their way to help wild creatures….. Gillian Chandler tells us more book NEW ZEALAND NATURE HEROES Available from Potton & Burton...

Art and nature – therapy, study, skills

Nature and wildlife art is an important topic of interest- particularly at this time of Coronavirus when we want to connect with nature. Nature art requires a range of skills – from the science of anatomy, to the skills of artistry with pencil, brush or camera. Thaneeya McArdle gives us some her ideas why nature art is so important She says – Nature in art can take many visual forms, from photorealism to abstraction. Art can mimic nature, by seeking...

Understanding the world – great geography resources in time of lockdown

UNITED KINGDOM The Geographical Association has a new section of their website with resources previously only accessible to members, particularly as many older students will be studying from home. Check out Geography from Home . Membership of the GA is optional but useful and recommended if you are a student of geography The Royal Geographical Society has many resources including free. Again, membership is a good optional element and includes Geographical magazine UNITED STATES The US has several different Associations...

Africa wild places and Coronavirus

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, the future of Africa’s natural landscapes—and the communities that coexist with them—are hanging in the balance. Here’s how your safari plays a role in the larger conservation story. My wife Anne and I were fortunate enough – after much planning – to be able in the mid 1990s, to go ‘on safari’ in East and central Africa – Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe. In Botswana, getting up at 5am (yes, that very...

Coronavirus – STOP blaming the bats!

Coronavirus was started by bats – a statement I hear all too frequently and am actually of hearing. The problem is – us humans! We have invaded their habitats and hunted them….. For more information about bats, see here For my hero Dr Jane Goodall put the facts Dr Jane explains the science. The WHO just stops short of banning wet markets – The Independent article – see below https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/coronavirus-who-world-health-live-animal-wildlife-market-disease-peter-ben-embarek-a9506836.html?jwsource=cl...

David Attenborough – a vital message

Sir David Attenborough has just celebrated his birthday – 94 years – and is still going strong! Here from BBC Wildlife magazine are ‘Ten Things you probably did NOT know about Sir David‘ Sir David, who previously focused on making natural history programmes but would not be drawn on the politics, is now openly stating ‘ this IS the last chance for action’ ….. Do you agree with Sir David?...

Plants in your garden

With the Coronavirus meaning that we cannot access museums, botanical gardens, zoos, National parks etc – we turn to Nature in our backyards and nearby. Here are some online resources to help out your IDENTIFICATION needs UNITED KINGDOM The Botanical Society has great ID resources here The Field studies centre excellent charts – note there is a cost Biodiversity resources might be helpful You could Bioblitz your garden If you have Wildflowers contact Wildflower Society UNITED STATES For United States...

‘Celebrating’ world Heritage

Yesterday was African #WorldHeritage Day…. What is World Heritage? Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. Places as unique and diverse as the wilds of East Africa’s Serengeti, the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Baroque cathedrals of Latin America make up our world’s heritage. World Heritage sites –...

Book review – ‘New Zealand Nature Heroes’ by Gillian Candler

Potton & Burton are very good at a high quality nature publishing. Nature Heroes takes the reader to an array of ‘larger than life’ characters , and real life folks, all of whom have one big thing in common – their love and nature , and their willingness to do something practical about a particular species, to help it out. By Award-winning author Gillian Candler Richard Henry – the grandfather of conservation’ – who helped the kakapo Don Merton –...

Nature kids clubs

There’s some GREAT resources for younger audience, so even when you cannot ‘get outside’ any further than your house and garden , you can still ‘get outside’ in your garden…. Here’s a selection UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The Audubon Society has this Kids club with amazing resources – downloads, videos https://www.audubon.org/get-outside/activities/audubon-for-kids The National Wildlife Foundation has Ranger Rick free online activities, plus a costed club with magazine. UNITED KINGDOM The Woodlands Trust has free online activities The RSPB – Royal...