Why elephants are important….World elephant day 2024


The theme for World Elephant Day 2024 – August 12 – focuses on “Personifying prehistoric beauty, theological relevance, and environmental importance.” This theme highlights the importance of preserving natural habitats to ensure the survival of elephants.


A groundbreaking study on African elephant communication has revealed that elephants, like humans, use ‘names’ to address each other.

Researchers at Save the Elephants, Colorado State University, and ElephantVoices have recorded vocalisations from wild African elephants in Kenya that suggest they address each other with individually specific calls dubbed ‘vocal labels’.

The study, which provides unprecedented insights into animal cognition and the evolution of language, was published in June in the prestigious scientific journal, Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Source: https://www.savetheelephants.org/news/like-us-elephants-have-names-too-2/

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