

World Book Day | Some great nature books

As its World Book Day – here are some books that I would recommend for your reading pleasure, for the nature lover …. including Diary of a Young Naturalist Best nature books    Wild Child by Patrick Barkham review – why children need nature From blackberry picking to digging a pond … a perfect lockdown reminder of how having fun outdoors is essential for children, in cities as well as the countryside Alice O’Keeffe There is a certain grim irony...

Forests | Sustaining People and Planet … Wild at Home

Wild at Home Thousands of consumer products used in Europe and around the world contain ingredients obtained from wild plants. Wild ingredients often come from the most biodiverse ecosystems on earth and are collected by some of the most impoverished communities. However, thousands of harvested species are at risk mainly from a combination of overharvest and habitat loss, with over 20% of species estimated to be threatened with extinction. These declines threaten biodiversity and wider ecosystems also putting at risk...

Trees poem

Trees   Fingers down to meet green earth or grey brown Earth holding all together tapping Nature’s foundations   Arms outstretched, brimming with pride to home wild things, wild plants, wild creatures floating butterflies irresistible breaks in the foliage   Strong limbs grasp the thick embers of a burning sunset layer upon layer of fire in unreal heavens marching to the top of the world the unseen ancients   Planet Earth continues through space trees the silent messengers of time...

Stressed by lockdown? Turn to Nature

How do we remain healthy and well during particularly challenging times – such as pandemics? A number of studies show that being in or even near natural environments, can help a great deal regarding both our physical health and vital associated mental well-being. Science Daily…   A study published in Ecological Applications suggests that nature around one’s home may help mitigate some of the negative mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. An online questionnaire survey completed by 3,000 adults...

Nature for new Ladybird readers

During the late 1950s and early 1960s, four slim volumes about the natural world, aimed at children, hit the bookshops. They bore the title What to Look for in… followed by each of the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The books were an instant success and inspired a whole generation of naturalists. ( I still recall the delightful little books, as a staple of any young child’s library ). Now, more than 60 years later, Ladybird Books is publishing a new series under the same...

10 Nature Activities – Get Your Family Through Coronavirus Pandemic

This was written in March 2020 but us still ‘very, very relevant’ – by Richard Louv… If the coronavirus spreads at the rate that experts believe it will, schools, workplaces and businesses will continue to close. Here’s a thread of silver lining. We’ll have more time for each other and nature. And, at least so far, nature’s always open. Getting outside — but at a safe distance from other people — can be one way to boost your family’s resilience....

Nature in the time of COVID-19

In the column below, our co-founder and author Richard Louv writes about the need for nature during COVID-19 and the growth of the children and nature movement—made possible by members and partners around the world. Our annual membership drive ends next week and we are so close to our goal. You can put us over the top and build the constituency for children and nature by becoming a member today! Our Need for Nature in the Time of COVID  RICHARD LOUV, THE NEW NATURE...

Breathtaking natural images

Now in its fifty-sixth year, the Wildlife Photographer of the Year (WPY) competition and exhibition showcases the beautiful wildlife of the Earth by talented photographers across the world. This year’s competition attracted almost 49,000 entries from professionals and amateurs across 86 countries. Wildlife Photographer of the Year is developed and produced by the Natural History Museum, London (NHM). The competition was originally founded in 1965 by BBC Wildlife Magazine, then called Animals. The NHM joined forces in 1984 to create the competition as...

Giant redwoods, memories burn

Towering over the coast, straining for sun as they’ve done since before there was such a thing as California, the old-growth giants of Big Basin Redwoods State Park stood in flames on Friday. John Gallagher thought of his sons. Darryl Young thought of his father. Laura McLendon thought of her wedding day. “It was evening and the sun was just starting to slant through the trees,” said Ms. McLendon, a conservationist in San Francisco who married her husband in the...

Beat COV19 blues – hug a tree!

Israel’s Nature and Parks Authority is encouraging people to hug a tree to overcome feelings of isolation. After flattening a coronavirus infection curve in May, Israel has experienced a spike in cases over the past few weeks. Can’t embrace friends and family these days? Hug a tree instead. That is the message Israel’s Nature and Parks Authority is spreading on social media to try to help people overcome the sense of detachment that coronavirus social-distancing rules can bring. “The most...

Wonderful ‘WildAndLIVE’ conversations

In these strange ‘coronavirus times’ , it’s great to come across fantastic resources. So here’s is a great wildlife person with an amazing online show…. “Welcome to #WildAndLIVE with me your host Patrick Aryee ‘WildAndLIVE’ is a new series of online conversations & live lessons that looks into the biology of the coolest creatures on our planet, and introduces you to some of the awesome people that get to work with them. Patrick has been interviewing lots of people who...

More lockdown ideas

Whilst we slowly ‘come out of lockdown’ , we are still in transition mode. So, here’s a selection of websites / ideas…. Marie Claire is not my usual ‘refer to’ but this is a great list! Verve Magazine has a nice list including family board games and building a fort! Kidadl is a blog for families Plantlife Is all about enjoying and understanding our plants Kids of the wild is definitely worth a check – with blogs like ‘unusual gardening...