

Stressed by lockdown? Turn to Nature

How do we remain healthy and well during particularly challenging times – such as pandemics? A number of studies show that being in or even near natural environments, can help a great deal regarding both our physical health and vital associated mental well-being. Science Daily…   A study published in Ecological Applications suggests that nature around one’s home may help mitigate some of the negative mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. An online questionnaire survey completed by 3,000 adults...

Young people need positive roles in nature

The young birder and environmental campaigner Mya-Rose Craig – a friend of this blog – believes the coronavirus lockdown has had a positive impact on the environment. “Wildlife has been doing much better, as it is less disturbed by people, traffic and dogs. We are listening, noticing and looking much more,” she says. “Hopefully, people will continue to do these things now lockdown is easing, which can only benefit nature and our health.” ( source : The Guardian) “The highlights...

Learning with Nature during lockdown? [competition]

The British Ecological Society is running a competition – answer the question ‘Have you learned from nature during your time in lockdown’ ? Have you done some maths, counting butterflies? have you drawn pictures of creatures in your garden? anyone under the age of 16 years of age can enter – deadline is Monday 13th July at 10am British time Full entry details visit – https://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/learning-and-resources/learning-resources/learning-with-nature/ Some of the prizes...

Animals benefit from lockdown

Roadkill rates fall dramatically as lockdown keeps drivers at home, reports National Geographic As Americans stayed home in March and April, vehicle deaths declined up to 58 percent among large species like mountain lions, a new report says. During the peak of the lockdowns in March and April, traffic on U.S. roads fell by as much as 73 percent. During that same period, fatal collisions with deer, elk, moose, bears, mountain lions, and other large wild animals fell by as...

Nature writing celebrated

Winners of youth nature writing competition announced, reports BBC Wildlife magazine From 220 entries, three winners have been revealed from the Nature on your Doorstep writing competition: Danielle Amouzou-Akue (14) from Essex, Anna Stone (10) from Norfolk and Benji Janes (6) from Sussex. All three winning stories will be published in an upcoming issue of BBC Wildlife Magazine.  “Stories are at the core of everything we do on BBC Wildlife Magazine, so we were thrilled to be able to support this competition and offer the next...

More lockdown ideas

Whilst we slowly ‘come out of lockdown’ , we are still in transition mode. So, here’s a selection of websites / ideas…. Marie Claire is not my usual ‘refer to’ but this is a great list! Verve Magazine has a nice list including family board games and building a fort! Kidadl is a blog for families Plantlife Is all about enjoying and understanding our plants Kids of the wild is definitely worth a check – with blogs like ‘unusual gardening...