Soil is much more than dirt…


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Soils underpin our ecosystems, our climate and human culture. Some of the biggest issues affecting our world and its inhabitants have soil at their heart.

Healthy soil supports biodiversity: biodiverse soils can host millions of organisms in each teaspoon. Sustaining life in soil is essential to ensure soil health, which supports our ability to grow food and farm effectively. When managed well, soil can store significant amounts of rainfall, preventing flooding and dirty run-off which can affect the health and safety of communities.

To fully appreciate and understand the natural world, we all need a better understanding of the vital services soils deliver. Soil is much more than dirt and our ultimate survival depends on healthy soils producing sustainable yields, maintaining and, where possible, enhancing soils to prevent degradation, which can lead to devastating impacts for communities throughout the world.

Read more about the British Society of Soil Science

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