Parrots of…. Australia & New Zealand


Australia is often referred to as the ‘land of parrots’

however the are some important parrots inhabiting Aotearoa / New Zealand ….

Kakapo – flightless parrot …..

Kea – see my other posts on this magnificent alpine parrot  

Kaka – endemic (occurs nowhere else) forest parrot 

This from Department of Conservation :


Kākā require large tracts of forest to survive. Habitat loss from forest clearance for agriculture and logging have had a devastating effect. Browsing by introduced pests such as possums, deer and pigs has reduced the abundance of food. Possums also eat the same kind of food as kākā, most significantly, high energy food types such as endemic mistletoe and rātā.

For the part, read ‘typical of New Zealand birds / species’  

Having evolved in the absence of mammalian predators, kākā have many characteristics that make them easy prey. Kākā nest deep in hollow trees, where there is no escape if they are cornered by predators such as stoats, rats and possums (which eat chicks and eggs). Young birds often leave the nest before they can fly, making them vulnerable to predators. Nesting females are the most vulnerable to stoat attacks, resulting in a disproportionate male/female sex ratio.

We finish with a bird / kakapo joke!!

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