Environmental actions | Ipswich, Australia


Ipswich – near Brisbane, Queensland – seems sadly to have a negative reputation , has an amazing ‘ecological basis’ – “one of the most diverse ranges of natural vegetation types in South East Queensland, being home to a large number of native flora and fauna and over 2,000 recorded species of native plants and animals. The Ipswich Enviroplan Program supports the identification, protection and maintenance of vital ecosystems and natural environmental values. “ ( Ipswich Enviroplan )


Enviroplan Program

Ever since the seeds of Ipswich Enviroplan were planted by council in 1996, the community and environment have been reaping the rewards. Ipswich Enviroplan is a clear recognition that identifying, protecting and maintaining the health of vital ecosystems and natural environmental values is a priority in creating a sustainable and liveable community.

Conservation planning

Enviroplan supports the delivery of citywide landscape planning, management and research activities which can include ecological studies, mapping and ecosystem recovery development.

Land acquisition

Strategic properties are considered for voluntary acquisition based on criteria such as protection of significant species, habitats or landscapes, consolidation within council’s conservation estates, enhancing water quality and catchments and supporting nature-based recreation.

As of September 2020, the Enviroplan Levy has funded the purchase of 74 land parcels comprising a total of 5877ha which has been set aside for nature conservation. Over the past 23 years, more than $11.3M of Enviroplan funds has been invested in purchasing land.

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