Reconnecting with Nature : dig a pond


The series continues with some ideas from BBC Wildlife about how to get closer to Nature in 2022…

Dig a wildlife pond

Learning about wildlife begins in your back yard. If you want to bring more species to your garden then the recipe is simple: just add water,” says Mike Dilger, wildlife expert for BBC One’s The One Show and BBC Wildlife contributor.

“I dug a hole, put in a liner, added water – and within 24 hours I had my first pond skaters. By the end of the summer I had seen six species of dragon- and damselfly, and recorded a huge number of birds and mammals coming to the pond – it’s a source of food as well as water.

A pond punches above its weight in terms of conservation, too. More UK frogs are now breeding in garden ponds, because the water is unpolluted, unlike many village and farm ponds. Digging one is the most effective step each of us can take to help local wildlife.”

That would be the case in Australia too – water brings life, wildlife, to any garden!

( Sources : )


Australia example from YouTube


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