Conservation Event | Seaweek 2021 ‘connecting with our seas’



SeaWeek, New Zealand and Australia’s major national public awareness campaign to focus community awareness, provide information and encourage an appreciation of the sea. SeaWeek gives us a fantastic opportunity to promote educational issues of relevance to the marine environment.

Some groups involved in this years event …


‘New Zealand’s leading charity in providing life changing marine environmental education and outdoor experiences for New Zealanders since 1990’

EMR – experiencing Marine Reserves – ‘is a national programme of experiential learning about marine conservation. Te Kura Moana – the school of the ocean. We increase awareness and encourage action and support for marine conservation. We are established in eight regions of New Zealand with up to 28 coordinators. We have a sister programme in one state of Australia.
We provide schools and their communities with the expertise and knowledge to experience their local marine environment first-hand, fostering kaitiakitanga.
Since 2002, EMR has guided snorkel experiences in marine reserves around New Zealand involving 35547 students (53866 including teachers and whanau).We have guided a total of 54688 kiwis through our marine reserves.’

DoC – Department of Conservation New Zealand – is a government agency and major information source


AAEE – Australian Association for Environmental Education- is the main coordinator of the event in Australia

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