Celebrating Seaweek – connecting with our Seas


NZAEE Seaweek – Kaupapa Moana – is New Zealand’s annual national week celebrating the sea.


Sat. 5 March – Sun. 13 March 2022


Started by the Marine Education Society of Australasia (now part of NZAEE), Seaweek was first held in New Zealand in 1992. Since then, Seaweek has been directed by NZAEE members and volunteers with support from a wide range of individuals, groups, and organisations. And more recently, starting in 2019, Sir Peter Blake Marine Education and Recreation Centre (MERC) has been at the helm managing and organising Seaweekevents in Auckland in addition to overseeing national coordination. Seaweek events are diverse and designed to be inclusive of all ages.


From activities and presentations within schools, marine ecosystem field trips and engagements with citizen science – to community beach cleans, kayaking and snorkelling – our hope is to inspire and enable kiwis to take time to connect with the sea.


More information on Department of Conservation website 

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