

All about ‘ocean acidification’

As carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolves in sea water, it forms carbonic acid, decreasing the ocean’s pH, a process collectively known as ocean acidification. Present ocean acidification occurs approximately ten times faster than anything experienced during the last 300 million years, jeopardising the ability of ocean systems to adapt to changes in ocean chemistry due to CO2. Ocean acidification has the potential to change marine ecosystems and impact many ocean-related benefits to society such as coastal protection or provision of food...


Following open from the World Day of World Day to Combat Desertification & Drought on 17th June – here we investigate the water cycle……   ( Source: Pinterest) The latest National Geographic Magazine features the world-sized challenge of global population growth… how we treat our water supply is a big part of that! Here are some tips on water conservation..  ...

Explaining the affects of El Nino & La Nina

Why does it rain very heavily – seemingly in when it “should be hot/ dry” in summer time? El Niño refers to the above-average sea-surface temperatures that periodically develop across the east-central equatorial Pacific. It represents the warm phase of the ENSO cycle. La Niña refers to the periodic cooling of sea-surface temperatures across the east-central equatorial Pacific. https://youtu.be/wVlfyhs64IY...

“Just add water” – Lake Eyre, Australia, is back

Water Giver of new life Lake Eyre begins filling with water – much to delight of tourists, businesses   Few rivers in the world remain as untamed and free-flowing as those that run through the ancient landscape of the Lake Eyre Basin. Recent generous rainfall over Australia’s inland Channel Country is breathing new life into ecosystems and it’s getting graziers and businesses excited for a big year ahead. Red dirt country has transformed into lush green expanses, cobbled with patterns...

Save water in 2021!

Looking for a new challenge? Take part in our ‘Save 2021 litres in 2021’ pledge!  This may sound like a lot, but what if we told you that you could save this much water in just ONE month? Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean avoiding showers or not doing your laundry! Every day of this campaign you’ll receive a short email with a water challenge. These simple challenges will range from having a meat-free day to timing your shower.  The aim is...