

Facts about …. Insects Insects don’t have bones or a backbone like us. … All insects have three parts: the head, the thorax, which is the middle part, and the abdomen, or end part. Insects have two antennae. … Spiders are not insects. … All insects hatch from eggs. … All insects go through the same life cycle. Some insects groups   Australia : Australian Entomological Society United Kingdom : Buglife Insect Week – Insect Week 2022 dates announced The Royal Entomological Society is...

Insect scientists rebranded

The Royal Entomological Society has rebranded … “We are proud to share our new RES brand with you with a new website and rollout across the Society. We have created a dynamic video to show you the main features of the new brand, looking to maximising the Society’s impact, reach and diversity for the future, whilst acknowledging our rich history as a learned society. The new brand is a result of months of engagement and consultation with our members and...

Pollinators in peril!

Pollinators do ‘so much ‘ for humans – they enable us to have flowers, honey, fruit, our morning coffee! Yet, we are often totally unaware of these mini-industries of the Natural World. What are ‘pollinators’? Why are they so important? Arguably there’s no better time to ask …. when it’s National Insect Week in the UK, and Pollinators Week in North America. The Pollinator Partnership explains Birds, bats, bees, butterflies, beetles, and other small mammals that pollinate plants are responsible...

Insects populations are crashing!

Insects and lights – now there’s a combination that we have you ducking for cover or scratching as they invade your garden. However, National Geographic reports, insects numbers are crashing – and life on earth would not be the same…. “It’s said that we live in the Anthropocene—an epoch defined by human impacts on the planet. Still, by many measures, it’s bugs that dominate the world. At any given moment, it’s been estimated, there are 10 quintillion insects flying, crawling, hovering,...