Friday Fact


Friday Fact | World’s Strongest Animal

The strongest animal on Earth is no doubt the… elephant, however the hippopotamus is commonly sited one of the most dangerous due to bite and its generally aggressive tendencies. The strongest land animal in the world is the elephant. The typical Asian elephant has 100,000 muscles and tendons arranged along the length of the trunk, enabling it to lift almost 800 pounds. The gorilla, the strongest as well as largest primate on the planet, is at least six times stronger...

Friday Fact | World’s smallest bird

The Bee Hummingbird, which is found only in Cuba ( it’s “endemic” ) , is an absolute miniature, even among hummingbirds. It measures a mere two and a quarter inches long. They weigh less than two grams — less than a dime. ” Sometimes mistaken for a bumblebee, females measure about 61 mm from beak to tail and weigh 2.6 g while the slightly smaller male has an average length of 55 mm and weighs 1.95 g. This is believed...