Endangered species


Creature feature | the brilliant bilby

The Bilby has bene offered as an alternative to the Easter bunny  What is there difference between the Bilby and Bandicoot? Bilbies have the characteristic long bandicoot muzzle and very big ears that radiate heat. They are about 29–55 cm (11–22 in) long. Compared to bandicoots, they have a longer tail, bigger ears, and softer, silky fur. The size of their ears allows them to have better hearing.   For more, including conservation efforts, check out Save the Bilby Fund...

Australian frogs at risk, with possible solutions

The Australian frogs at greatest risk of extinction and what to do about it   New research published in Pacific Conservation Biology has identified the 26 Australian frogs at greatest risk of extinction, the probability of each extinction by 2040, and the actions needed to prevent those extinctions. The study found that although not yet officially listed as extinct, Queensland’s mountain mist frog and northern tinker frog are very likely to be.  No-one has recorded these species in around 30...

Australia conservation: iconic Koala becomes ‘endangered’

  Very interesting news today in The Guardian Australia edition…. No recovery plan for the Australian marsupial was in place despite it being identified as a requirement nine years ago * Today – 2022 : The Australian government has officially listed the koala as ‘endangered’  after a decline in its numbers due to land clearing and catastrophic bushfires shrinking its habitat.   * back in 2019 ….. A report claims koalas are ‘functionally extinct’ – but what does that mean?  In THE...

Zoos – the negatives & the positives

Monday December 27th was “Visit a Zoo Day” ….. here are some thoughts about the worthiness- and some of the problems- about the “zoological park” ( zoo )   “If animals are your passion then Visit the Zoo Day gives you a great opportunity to really get close to some of the most intriguing and engaging species on the planet. Negatives… Some people think of zoos only as cruel prisons where countless animals are kept, bored and with little space...

Creature feature | Pangolin still in trouble!

This shy, scaly creature is the world’s most trafficked mammal—with more than a million pangolins poached in the past decade. Learn more about the pangolin, why all eight pangolin nspecies are at risk of extinction, and the conservation efforts needed to save them.  According to Nat Geo – Smuggling networks that once focused on ivory are increasingly turning to pangolins. From 2019 : It was a monumental win for pangolin conservation as all 8 pangolin species were uplisted to Appendix...