

Many plants are going extinct – yet thousands have no public images!

  From Conversation website For hundreds of years, botanists have collected plants to describe species and keep in herbaria across the world. But while physical plant specimens are irreplaceable, photographs of plants are also an invaluable resource for botanical research, conservation and education. Photographs of plants capture information that can be lost from dead, dried plants, such as flower colour. They also provide ecological context and form the cornerstone of many field guides and education resources. All plant species known...

International days for education & environment

Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility. The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development. The lack of access to education for girls, for example, is a very real issue which Malala is active in advocating for change to. The World Environmental Education Day is 26 January – is an opportunity to highlight the importance of education to achieving environmental sustainability....

Environmental education? Why bother?

Environmental education and sustainability education are key rafts of ways to educate… Here are some examples. The National Association for Environmental Education UK : The purpose of NAEE is “to promote all forms of environmental education, and to support all those involved in its delivery, so that together we can understand and act on the need to live more sustainably in order to protect the future of our planet. We believe that young people have a right to first-hand educational experiences in...