

Antarctica ecologically unique place

Antarctica is a remarkable continent – remote, hostile and uninhabited.  This frozen continent is key to understanding how our world works, and our impact upon it. Antarctica is important for science because of its profound effect on the Earth’s climate and ocean systems.  Locked in its four kilometre-thick ice sheet completely unique record of what our planet’s climate was like over the past one million years. Antarctica is important for science because of its profound effect on the Earth’s climate...

Lost: Species Declared Extinct in 2020

Dozens of frogs, fish, orchids and other species—many unseen for decades—may no longer exist because of humanity’s destructive effects on the planet . A few months ago a group of scientists warned about the rise of “extinction denial,” an effort much like climate denial to mischaracterize the extinction crisis and suggest that human activity isn’t really having a damaging effect on ecosystems and the whole planet.10 Sec That damaging effect is, in reality, impossible to deny. This past year scientists and conservation...