A to Z of Wildlife Groups


International Beaver Day | differences & re-introductions

Beavers are very important for the environment, creating natural dams and helping cleanse water. Help raise awareness about the threats facing this declining species. The beaver may be the national animal of Canada but the furry dam-building rodent can be found across the North American continent and Eurasia as two distinct species, but the population has been on the decline for several decades now. International Beaver Day aims to celebrate and raise awareness of the plight of the rodent. Re-introductions...

Wildlife groups A to Z | Amphibians

  Amphibian vs reptile: what’s the difference? Many people confuse amphibians and reptiles, or bunch them together. But while they share some similarities they have more very clear differences, as this expert guide explains. Amphibians and reptiles are two very distinct groups of animals, yet they are often confused for each other or thought to be the same thing. Individuals from each group might look very similar, for example newts and lizards, but in reality, there are far more differences...