All about chimpanzees


As its was World Chimpanzee Day…. here are some interesting facts about these amazing apes…

  • I worked with Chimps at Wellington Zoo many years ago – they are not of my all-time favourite animals

They are remarkable and fascinating creatures…..

  • We Share 98 Percent of the Same DNA with chimpanzees
  • Wild chimpanzees can only be found in Africa
  • chimpanzees are Omnivorous… they have been known to even on occasion eat meat
  • they have highly complex family and social structures
  • Chimpanzees can live up to their 80s
  • They have the capacity to learn sign language
  • they are one of the very few animals that are known tool users in the wild
  • female Chimpanzees only give birth once every five years

More about Jane Goodall & her organisation’s work with chimpanzees


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