

World Heritage – the highlights ‘reel’ of recent meeting

The curtain has just come down on the 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee in New Delhi.  Here is the end-of-meeting blog by Tim Badman, Director, World Heritage, IUCN IUCN brought a delegation that was not only diverse, but represented the whole of the Union, including global, regional, and country-office staff and Commission specialists. IUCN Regional Councillor Vivek Menon and the World Commission on Protected Areas Regional Vice-chair Sonali Ghosh attended the event as well. There were also IUCN...

Resolving wildlife conflict between elephants and humans …. without killing

Death of Umi sparks concern over electric threat to Sumatran elephants This headline from Mongabay highlights a very real wildlife problem – one where the ‘solution’ is itself creating even more problems – dead elephants. ” Electrified fences set up around farms are an emerging threat to the critically endangered Sumatran elephant, conservationists told Mongabay Indonesia following a series of deaths this year in Aceh and Jambi provinces.” Here are the facts: Electric fences are common deterrents in Africa and...