

Great wetlands resources

(Photo by WWT ) Wetlands are a vital ecosystem – many too often forgotten benefits including improving water quality, flood control, providing wildlife habitats, recreation and education opportunities. They are also places where families can often access during times of lockdown. In this vein, The Wetlands & Wildfowl Trust UK has refreshed their online education resources…   WWT home learning hub “With another lockdown in full swing, we know how hard teachers are working to provide high-quality remote learning whilst...

President Biden backs Paris (agreement)!

On Day One, President Joe Biden signed an executive order – to return the United States of America to full membership of the Paris Climate Agreement. ( That was wonderful to write ! ) The Guardian reported it so….. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/19/biden-environment-paris-climate-agreement-keystone-xl-pipeline?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other  This is VERY good news indeed – the United States is once again a strong leader and partner in the vital fight against climate change! A search for ‘US withdrawal of Paris Agreement’ – the following was a result …....