

It’s time for Nature!

As World Environment Day approaches on Friday June 5th, there are many activities and challenges that you might like. Here’s a selection. World Environment Day Quiz via UNEP – the focus is on biodiversity The UN has helpfully provided a biodiversity quiz to help us prepare for World Environment Day on Friday.  There’s useful feedback on your responses as you go through the test (sorry, quiz).  You’ll have to keep your own score as you go along, as the site doesn’t tell you how badly you did....

Black birder week

Learn how you can participate in #BlackBirdersWeek on Twitter and Instagram starting Sunday 5/31! A group of approximately 30 black scientists, birders, and outdoor explorers are raising awareness of the black birding community and are encouraging new members. This event is hosted by @BlackAFinSTEM(link is external). Learn more about the inaugural event, including the list of activities, in Bird Watching Daily. Get involved via Birdwatching Daily...