Threatened species


Hippos… beware the water horse!

  It’s World Hippo Day So…. on an overland trip in East Africa in the 1990s, my wife and I learned that the hippo – not the lion or elephant or rhino – is categorised as the most dangerous wild animal in the continent! Why? Those teeth and jaws are ultra powerful Some more facts about the hippo… “Hippopotamuses (Hippopotamus amphibius) are large, round, water-loving animals that are native to Africa. The word “hippopotamus” comes from the Greek word for...

How bad is palm oil?

Exactly how ‘bad ‘ is palm oil? Whilst groups have for a long time said ‘very bad’ , it seems not so simple …. according to the IUCN. A lack of data on the environmental and social impacts of vegetable oil crops stands in the way of informed discussions about their relative sustainability, a new study by members of the IUCN’s Palm Oil Task Force finds. More accurate, high-resolution maps and data on a range of vegetable oils are needed...