the wildlife trusts


Owl awareness day

Here are some images from twitter There are many groups involved in caring for or promoting owls * Books featuring the owl...

National meadows day

National Meadows Day is an annual celebration of wildflower meadows across the UK. National Meadows Day is your chance to celebrate wildflower meadows near you. National Meadows Day 2020 is … Saturday 4th July.  Today, we are reminded of the 7.5 million acres of meadows and flower-rich grasslands that have been lost since the 1930s. When a meadow isn’t a meadow… A true ‘meadow’ is an area of grass maintained by an annual hay cut. It’s made up of perennial plants –...

UK nature needs help!

United Kingdom top environmental groups say that a ‘National nature service’ is needed to help spur recovery of local wildlife and habitats, reports the Guardian newspaper. The coalition has drawn up a list of 330 projects that are ready to go, including flower meadows, “tiny forests” in cities and hillside schemes to cut flooding. It said a service to fund the projects and train workers would create 10,000 jobs and be part of a green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic....